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Embodied Harmony Journey

Embodied Harmony Journey

August 1 - September 5, 2024

Live on Zoom
90-min Weekly Sessions x 5 Weeks (7.5 hrs.)
Thursdays 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Registration & Payment are due by July 26th.

Embodied Harmony Journey 

Embark on a transformative five-week program designed to deepen your understanding of the SEC principles. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical exercises, you will explore the interplay between the five elements, yin and yang dynamics, and various somatic practices to cultivate holistic well-being. Each session includes a discussion segment followed by a hands-on practice, all conducted live via Zoom.

What You’ll Experience

  • Building your relationship with felt sense. A sensory practice experience. 

  • Somatic awareness, tools, and practices. Vocalization, interoception, acupressure. 

  • Movements for bilateral stimulation for the cultivation of whole brain function. Whole body practice. 

  • Foundational movements for a full body and full sensory practice/experience. 

  • Integration, putting it all together in a practice that you can take with you and share with others. 

The SEC Method

The SEC Method represents 20 years of research and innovative development. Combining primal knowledge, wisdom traditions, and origin practices such as functional training, primal mobility, yoga, and whole human movement. Through personalized somatic sequencing, you are able to experience the embodiment of your truest expression of fascia and brain-body integration. 

Unlock your Somatic Embodiment Code.

Unleash the primal flow within you.

Program Details

Week 1 | Foundations of Somatic Emotional Connection

Discussion Topic: Introduction to the Five Elements and the Interplay between Yin and Yang
Practice: Building Your Relationship with Felt Sense through Sensory Practices

Overview: Understand the basic principles of SEC and how the five elements interact with yin and yang energies.
Practice: Engage in sensory experiences to enhance your connection with your felt sense, laying the groundwork for deeper somatic awareness.

Week 2 | Deepening Somatic Awareness 

Discussion Topic: Tools and Practices for Enhancing Somatic Awareness  
Practice: Interoception through Vocalization and Acupressure Techniques and Theory 

Overview: Dive into techniques that heighten your body’s awareness and emotional and creative exploration.
Practice: Learn the subtle art of felt sense and practice self-discovery and integration through acupressure, tapping, shaking, trembling, vocalization, bilateral movement, embodied movement, and authentic expression to better tune into and manage your somatic responses to live more creatively and inspired. 

Week 3 | Cultivating Whole Brain Function

Discussion Topic: The Importance of Bilateral Stimulation  
Practice: Movements for Whole Brain and Whole Body Stimulation

Overview: Explore how bilateral stimulation aids in the integration of brain hemispheres for balanced emotional and cognitive functioning.
Practice: Explore movements designed to stimulate both sides of the brain and body, fostering whole-brain functionality.

Week 4 | Full Body and Sensory Integration

Discussion Topic: Foundational Anatomy for Comprehensive Somatic Practice  
Practice: Whole Body and Full Sensory Experience

Overview: Learn foundational movements that integrate the entire body and sensory experiences, enhancing overall somatic awareness and emotional balance.
Practice: Engage in a series of movements that bring together full body and sensory practices for a holistic experience.

Week 5 | Integrative Practice

Discussion Topic: Synthesis of SEC Principles and Practices  
Practice: Creating a Personal Somatic Practice Routine

Overview: Review and integrate all SEC principles and practices learned throughout the course.
Practice: Develop a personalized somatic practice that you can continue to use beyond the program, ensuring lasting benefits and continued growth.

Each session is a blend of discussion and practical exercises, ensuring you gain both knowledge and experience. 

About the SEC Method

The SEC Method leverages spiral sequencing to unlock your innate Somatic Embodiment Code, activating full sensory coherence and primal mobility flow. 

Each of us has access to our unique Somatic Embodiment Code. Unlocking that code allows you to: 

Awaken innate somatic intelligence. 

Unearth inner mastery.

Remember who you are.  

Come fully alive, in your full expression, unlocking your own primal, pain-free, natural mobility and strength, forever.

Learn More > 


7.5 hrs + $333

Registration & Payment are due by July 26th.

Register & Pay

If you are ready to take the next step in committing to this program, I invite you join the journey!

To Register and Pay, simply send your payment through my Venmo QR Code (below) or Venmo Link for payment.

July 23

SEC Cohort - July/2024

August 27

SEC Cohort 2 - Aug 27, 2024