Jenn Richardson

⏃ 500hr Yoga Certification

⏃ 30,000hr (18 yr) Yoga Teaching

⏃ Certified @weckmethod

⏃ Certified by Rolf Gates

⏃ Certified @builtwellforbirth Pre/Postnatal

Somatic Embodiment Guide

Jenn Richardson is a Somatic Embodiment Guide. She is a trauma-informed facilitator, senior yoga teacher, massage therapist, and personal trainer. She’s been leading people through healing experiences for nearly 20 years. Jenn is a teacher of teachers and has trained hundreds of somatic healers and yoga teachers over the years. She is certified by Rolf Gates, the renowned teacher and author as well as David Weck who is one of the most innovative and influential fitness enthusiasts of our time. 

Jenn has earned certifications in functional training, massage therapy, and yoga. She is a dynamic facilitator with thousands of hours of training and guiding experience. 

Jenn created a movement methodology called Somatic Embodiment that utilizes wisdom and innate, primal practices to allow you to unlock your Somatic Embodiment Code

Jenn cultivates a safe space for students and practitioners to facilitate their inner and outer journey into their own, unique, whole human experience, helping them recode their body to serve their heart. She’s devoted her life to helping people come fully alive, in their full expression, unlocking their own primal, pain-free, natural mobility and strength, forever.

Connect with Jenn on social media.