Each of us has access to our unique Somatic Embodiment Code. Unlocking that code allows you to:

Awaken innate somatic intelligence.
Unearth inner mastery.
Remember who you are.

The SEC Method represents 20 years of research and innovative development. Combining primal knowledge, wisdom traditions, and origin practices such as functional training, primal mobility, yoga, and whole human movement. Through personalized somatic sequencing, you are able to experience the embodiment of your truest expression of fascia and brain-body integration.

Unlock your Somatic Embodiment Code.
Unleash the primal flow within you.

The Fascia

Fascia is fabric. 

It’s your brain in your body; the biological fabric that holds all the systems.. all of them. 

Fascia desires to be felt in a multitude of ways to stay smooth and supple from bouncing, shaking, tapped, touched, lengthened, contracted, twisted and freed. 

The SEC Method progesses the most dynamic and rhythmic fascial flows that holds the power to blast you open on the deepest levels. 

As fascial tissue becomes more unlocked and integrated, you will inevitably come to experience more of yourself. Your Somatic Embodiment Code provides a full UNLOCK to live your best life.

“What you seek, is seeking you.”

​​“How odd that if we reject what is painful, we find only more pain, but if we embrace what is within, if we peer fearlessly into the shadows, we stumble upon the light.”

Elizabeth Lesser, co-founder of Omega Institute


I will help you unlock your personal movement code and train you in your own somatic embodiment practice. 

We’ll design the tools and practices that will allow you to live every day with primal, pain-free, natural mobility and strength, forever. 

Come fully alive, in your full expression, unlocking your own primal, pain-free, natural mobility and strength, forever.