Somatic Tune-up
Thursdays 12:45 - 1:45 pm
Limited to 8 Participants
Weekly Meetings on Zoom
60 min - $22 per session
Join Us for My Virtual Cohort
An Invitation to Journey Deeper
Join us in a sacred space where intention and connection meet. In this online gathering, we weave the fabric of our non-judgmental women’s community -one that holds you as you are, offering the room to witness, connect, and network with others on their path of remembrance.
Step into a divinely feminine, sacred space where intention and connection meet. In this online gathering, we continue to weave the fabric of our non-judgmental community—one that holds you as you are, offering the room to witness, connect, and network with others on their path of remembrance.
Here, we invite the gentle unearthing of emotions long buried, allowing what is ready to surface to be witnessed and transformed. Together, we make space for expansion—calling in new opportunities, welcoming greater wealth, deepening relationships, and finding clarity in the flow of your life’s direction.
This is not just a cohort, but a gathering of souls—where you are seen, heard, and invited to unfold into your fullest potential.
Join us, and let the autumn winds guide you toward greater depth and expansion.
What is it?
A weekly online cohort for the divine feminine, dedicated to exploring the healing arts of somatic embodiment and intentional community. Tune in each week for a somatic tune-up with Jenn. Join sessions any time and pay as you go ($22 per session). 🔥 🌍 💎 💧 🌲
What You’ll Receive
A safe space, community support, attentive listening, and somatic practices and tools to integrate all the pieces of you and remember who you are.
How does it work?
Each session opens with sharing and deep witnessing. Guided by intention, we refine our personal visions, holding space for ourselves and each other with unwavering presence. Somatic practices and meditation weave through the closing, anchoring the wisdom born from the collective power of the group.
60 min per session @ $22
Available weekly. Join sessions any time and pay as you go ($22 per session).
Please use my Venmo Link to pay, or find the QR code below.