The SEC Method leverages spiral sequencing to unlock your innate Somatic Embodiment Code, activating full sensory coherence and primal mobility flow

Awaken innate somatic intelligence.
Unearth inner mastery.

Remember who you are.

SEC Cohort

Integrate & Remember

A weekly cohort meeting at Jenn’s home, dedicated to exploring the healing arts of somatic embodiment, community, acupuncture, and herbs.

Beginning July 23

Embodied Harmoney


Embark on a transformative five-week program designed to deepen your understanding of the SEC principles.

Beginning Aug 01

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear.

I will help you unlock your personal movement code and train you in your own somatic embodiment practice.

We’ll design the tools and practices that will allow you to live every day with primal, pain-free, natural mobility and strength, forever.

Jenn Richardson

Somatic Embodiment Guide

⏃ 500hr Yoga Certification

⏃ 30,000hr (18 yr) Yoga Teaching

⏃ Certified @weckmethod

⏃ Certified by Rolf Gates

⏃ Certified @builtwellforbirth Pre/Postnatal

Jenn Richardson is a trauma informed group facilitator, yoga teacher, massage therapist and personal trainer. She has been leading healing experiences for nearly 20 years.

Come fully alive, in your full expression, unlocking your own primal, pain-free, natural mobility and strength, forever.

What does the SEC Method make possible in my life?


Awaken your innate somatic intelligence.

Here are some of the ways we can co-create together. If you’d like to connect outside of these offerings, I'd love to hear from you.

  • Somatic Embodiment Guidance

    One-on-one Guided Practices to help you unlock your personal Somatic Embodiment Code and create your own practices.

  • Integrative Massage Therapy

    You can heal. Experience multi modality, manual therapy for the restoration of natural suppleness and mobility. Through the power of deep rest and touch you can repair.

  • Experience Design & Facilitation

    I can collaborate with you on designing a customized Somatic Embodiment Code program for your event or experience.

  • Somatic Sport Training

    One-On-One and Group Guidance on attuning your body for optimal mobility and performance.

  • "I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Jenn’s Somatic Embodiment Method unearthed a well of energy, focus, and alignment within me that I never knew I was capable of."

    Jared Angaza

  • “Jenn’s class allows me to feel free and vulnerable. With her guidance, I can tap into a part of myself that I would otherwise not be able to achieve.”

    Adam Martinez

  • “When doing the movements and patterns that Jenn teaches, I feel more functional in my anatomy. Rather than moving in isolation amongst my body parts, Jenn’s training has helped me to rewire holistic patterns ingrained in my fascia and meridians.”

    McKenzie O’Brien

  • “Jenn’s light shines so bright and she’s such a gifted teacher. Her SEC Method is such a beautiful expression of who she is, and how she’s able to help people see their own beauty and power. It's just really special.”

    Jenna Ruby

  • “Jenn created a powerful one of a kind training experience with extraordinary attention to detail and thoughtful guidance. If you're looking for a playful but devoted challenge to get stronger, more mobile, and tap into your own sovereignty, SEC Method is for you!”

    Nicholas Devlin

  • “Jenn changed my life. I was seeking a practice to process emotions I hadn’t been able to access. I was frustrated looking for practitioners who could help me come into my full, aligned, awakened expression. Jenn guided me through a very necessary chapter of my life and made it so much brighter.”

    Krystal Appleby

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